Release Notes



Do not hesitate to provide us with feedback using the contact form on the main page (or from the support section on your MantaTrade account).


  1. MantaWealth - Performance Attribution Analysis UI: Feb 2025
  2. MantaAPI - Short positions: Feb 2025
  3. MantaAPI - Leveraged instruments: Feb 2025
  4. MantaAPI - Coverage and model for Fixed Income: Q1 2025
  5. MantaAPI - Coverage for Warrants / Options: Q2 2025
  6. MantaWealth - Factor based hypothetical portfolio stress testing
  7. MantaWealth - Expected returns according to Black-Litterman
  8. MantaAPI - Coverage for Futures
  9. MantaWealth / MantaAPI - Suggested instruments for diversification
  10. MantaTrade - Portfolio monitoring: Unusual Price Action
  11. MantaWealth - AI Risk Strategy Construction: given a set of portfolios, provides 3 optimised risk management strategies: one maximising performance, one minimising volatility and one "balanced", providing maximum performance to risk ratio.
  12. MantaTrade - ability to save and monitor setups
  13. All - Coverage for additional Crypto currencies
  14. MantaWealth - Non-Linear Optimisation engine for preference driven investment

2025-01-30 Release 2.0

  • MantaAPI - Performance Attribution Analysis now available. See Swagger for more details.

2025-01-26 Release 1.4

  • All - New account management system: subscriptions can now be directly purchased online through Stripe integration.
  • All - Improved historical PnL calculation: PnL is now calculated against historical capital available as opposed to max capital required.
  • MantaWealth - Minor UI improvements, security improvements (introduction of single use tokens)

2024-11-22 Release 1.3

  • All - Private instances: ability to run our engine privately i.e. within your own architecture
  • MantaWealth - Performance improvements

2024-10-14 Release 1.2

  • Introduction of pure Maximum Diversification algorithm (Choueifaty and Coignard)
  • MantaWealth - Instrument search UI fixes

2024-10-05 Release 1.1

  • Introduction of Benchmark Tracking algorithm
  • New MantaRisk Website
  • Multiple bug-fixes

2024-09-08 Release 1.0

  • Release of MantaWealth - our Portfolio Construction Application
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  • Constraints Based Optimisation: ability to constaint portfolio construction based on geographies, sectors, currencies and individual instruments
  • Integration with WealthArc

2024-06-30 Release Candidate 0.5

  • Improvements to API health monitor: 2 mins heartbeat, additional tests
  • Extensive functional testing pass 2 out of 3 completed
    • Backtesting FX conversions issue fixed
    • Stale historical data issue fixed
    • Improvement in exposure determination
    • Alpha caculation now follows Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • Performance improvements:
    • Historical data for daily timeframe pre loaded
    • Exposure pre calculated
  • Portfolio Management Application MVP available

2024-06-02 Release Candidate 0.1

  • Introduction of API health monitor to ensure fast response from support team
  • Extensive functional testing pass 1 out of 3 completed

2024-04-24 Beta 3.2

Publication of new endpoint for portfolio level analytics including:

  • Correlation based exposure to sectors, countries and currencies
  • CVAR over daily, weekly and monthly periods for the 2.5%, 5% and 10% quantiles
  • VAR over daily, weekly and monthly periods for the 2.5%, 5% and 10% quantiles
  • Volatility over daily, weekly and monthly periods for the 2.5%, 5% and 10% quantiles
  • Diversification ratio: metric used to quantify the level of diversification within a portfolio. MantaRisk uses the definition according to Choueifaty and Coignard (2008) where this ratio considers both the number of assets in the portfolio and the correlations between them. A higher diversification ratio indicates a more diversified portfolio, meaning the assets are less likely to move in the same direction, reducing overall portfolio risk.
  • Expected return: defined as the average return over 5 years on a daily, weekly or monthly timeframe
  • R Squared: proportion of the variance explained by the risk factors. 1 - R^2 is therefore equivalent to the idiosyncratic risk i.e. the portion of the portfolio which cannot be explained by the risk factors.

2024-04-06 Beta 3.1

  • Benchmark endpoint: given two time series (actual and benchmark), provides alpha, beta, idiosyncratic risk etc

2024-03-31 Beta 3.0.1

  • Bug fixes (single character instrument search, data source page)
  • Increase of the memory pool from 4Gb to 20Gb to allow for large portfolios calculations (500+ instruments)

2024-03-21 Beta 3.0

  • Explainable Risk Factors: instrument analytics now provide the exposure of a specific instrument (or price curve) to sectors / countries / currencies
  • New API users screen for strategy construction
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2024-03-04 Beta 2.0.1

New endpoint to provide instrument (or price curve) level analytics. Given a time serie, provides:

  • (Correlation based exposure to sectors, countries and currencies) -> next release
  • CVAR over daily, weekly and monthly periods for the 2.5%, 5% and 10% quantiles
  • VAR over daily, weekly and monthly periods for the 2.5%, 5% and 10% quantiles
  • Volatility over daily, weekly and monthly periods for the 2.5%, 5% and 10% quantiles

2024-03-03 Beta 2.0

  • New data source added, now covering 162,435 instruments across stocks, forex, crypto, funds, indices and ETFs. Global coverage including EU market at intraday level
  • Performance improvements (co-location of services, local instrument search)
  • New Day Trading UI available for Platform users
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2024-02-02 Beta 1.9

Draft UI to analyse a portfolio management strategy made available to API users.

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2024-01-27 Beta 1.8

  • Migration of tactical engine to target state infrastructure with high CPU capacity
  • Removal of 30 second timeout constraint (504 / H12 error) on all endpoints

2024-01-26 Beta 1.7

  • Backtesting performance improvement: migration of the portfolio risk engine to target state infrastructure with high CPU capacity
  • Rebalancing methodology tuning - statistical testing of MantaRisk's risk management methodologies has started and has alread led to multiple algorithmic improvements
  • Portfolio analysis performance improvement: pre-loading of latest prices
  • Various bug fixes

2024-01-07 Beta 1.6

  • Release of the Backtesting Engine to allow the testing of risk management strategies for a given portfolio and period of time
  • Improvement of Portfolio Analysis (GET /portfolio/analysis) to include advanced rebalancing (reduction of transaction costs caused by high number of trades)
  • Introduction of order management within Portfolio Analysis. Open positions can now be added to the portfolio description (PUT /portfolio). These will be taken into account by the portfolio analysis (GET /portfolio/analysis) when suggested orders are sent back.
  • Minor performance enhancements
  • Various bug fixes

2023-12-17 Beta 1.5